REG QUERY "HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer" /v svcVersion | FINDSTR /I /R ^ 9***$ > nul || ( IF EQU CALL :CONFIRM "REBOOT" "You are about to reboot this host!" GOTO :EOF :: Main method - completes tasks, then exits :MAIN CALL :SET_VAR "init" CALL :DISABLE_IE "10.0" "DoNotAllowIE10" CALL :DISABLE_IE "11.0" "DoNotAllowIE11" ECHO.
START /D "%WINDIR%\System32" WUSA.EXE /uninstall /kb:%~1 /quiet /norestart ECHO.
#Downgrade internet explorer 11 to 10 update
GOTO :EOF :: Uninstall Windows Update by KB number :REMOVE_KB ECHO. REG ADD "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Setup\%~1" /v %~2 /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f > nul || (ĬALL :ERROR "Unable to modify the registry!" GOTO :EOF REG QUERY "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Setup\%~1" /v %~2 > nul || ( GOTO :EOF :: Disables IE 10 & 11 from being deployed via Windows Updates :DISABLE_IE ECHO. GOTO :EOF :: Loops through environment variables setting them to null, then releases :: Limit of 9 parameters may be reset per CALL :CLR_VAR :CLR_VAR IF EQU GOTO :EOF IF DEFINED %~1 SET %~1 = nul || (ĬALL :ERROR "Shutdown request rejected by host!" GOTO :EOF ECHO OFF REM AUTHOR: Chuck Stimac UPDATE: August 27th, 2014 GOTO :MAIN :: Sets environment variables, then releases :SET_VAR IF EQU (ĬALL :CLR_VAR "PAUSE_ON_ERROR" "PAUSE_ON_EXIT" "REBOOT_ON_EXIT" GOTO :EOF